Our Own Initiatives

Buy and enjoy food from
local markets

  • Support small businesses, local farmers, fishermen, and stores.

  • Avoid packaging waste and long-distance transport.

Strict waste management
on board and avoidance
of pollution

  • Avoid waste as far as possible, especially plastics.

  • Waste separation on board as best as possible.

  • Use of bio-degradable substances (soap, shampoo, detergents, cleansing agents, etc.)

  • Correct disposal of critical fluids and materials

  • Motivate marina managements to implement a waste separation scheme if not existing.

  • Follow the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL​) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


Compensation of our
CO2 footprint


We compensate our CO2 footprint:

  • for any liter of diesel fuelled into the tanks of ONWO ONOC

  • for our travelling to and from ONWO ONOC by car, by plane, or by train

We have chosen the myclimate Foundation and their climate protection projects for our compensations. myclimate climate protection projects meet the highest international standards (Gold Standard, Plan Vivo).

From the first meeting with Alubat until May 2022, with all the trips by car, train, and airplane we have made during this time (including our guests), and with the fuel we filled in the tanks, our footprint has amounted to 9.8 tons of CO2!

NGO Initiatives


We support the activities of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC).


Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is the world's leading organization dedicated exclusively to the protection of whales and dolphins and their habitats. WDC was founded in England in 1987 and has offices in Germany, Scotland, the USA, Australia, and Argentina. WDC’s vision is a world in which all whales and dolphins live in freedom and security. WDC tries to achieve this through own protection projects, campaigns, lobbying, scientific advice, field research and educational work. WDC wants people to be excited about dolphins and whales and thus initiate global measures to protect them.

More information at www.whales.org

The ONWO ONOC crew supports WDC through a sponsorship for SALT, a fascinating humpback whale lady.

Humpback Whale Lady SALT (Source: WDC)

Humpback Whale Lady SALT (Source: WDC)

In the future, we will report about our own whale and dolphin encounters and communicate about the WDC initiatives. If possible, we will also contribute to WDC’s research and science activities.

Sponsorship Certificate for SALT

Sponsorship Certificate for SALT

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The crew of ONWO ONOC 
supports the UN SDG Initiative as well as local environmental and educational initiatives.